All Classes
Class | Description |
BanUserSqlFirewallTrigger |
A trigger that will insert into the following table the info detected by the
SqlFirewallManager which fired the trigger: |
BeeperSqlFirewallTrigger |
A trigger that simply beeps on the terminal if an attack is detected by a
SqlFirewallManager . |
BlobDownloadConfigurator |
Interface that defines the download method that will do the effective
Blob/Clob download.
BlobUploadConfigurator |
Interface that defines the upload method that will do the effective Blob/Clob
ClientEvent |
Allows to get all details of a
ServerQueryExecutor call asked by the client side. |
ConnectionKey |
Defines a key for the Connection Store that keeps connections in memory.
ConnectionStoreManager |
Class that allows to manage the server Connection Store that stores in memory
the JDBC Connections of the client users during their session.
CsvRulesManager |
Firewall manager that checks each SQL request against the content of a CSV
CsvRulesManagerNoReload |
Firewall manager that extends
CsvRulesManager , the only change is
to prohibit reloading rules when the CSV file is updated. |
DatabaseConfigurationException |
Thrown to indicate that a Database configuration error has been detected.
DatabaseConfigurator |
Interface that defines the database configurations for AceQL HTTP.
DataSourceStore |
Allows to retrieve for each database the
org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource corresponding to the Tomcat
JDBC Pool created at AceQL Web server startup. |
DefaultBlobDownloadConfigurator |
Class that allows downloading Blob/Clobs.
DefaultBlobUploadConfigurator |
Class that allows uploading Blob/Clobs.
DefaultDatabaseConfigurator |
Default implementation of server side configuration for AceQL.
DefaultPoolsInfo |
Allows to display current JDBC pool status and info for each database.
Includes 3 methods to modify the JDBC pools. |
DefaultPropertiesPasswordManager |
This default implementation will extract the password from the "password"
property of the file which
must be located in the same directory as the
file. |
DefaultRequestHeadersAuthenticator |
A concrete and unsafe
RequestHeadersAuthenticator that always grant
access to remote client users. |
DefaultSessionConfigurator |
Default implementation of session management:
Session id are generated using a
SecureRandom with the
SessionIdentifierGenerator class.
Session info (username, database) and session date/time creation are
stored in a HashMap whose key is the session id.
Session id is sent by client side at each API call. |
DefaultSqlFirewallManager |
Default firewall manager for all SQL databases.
DefaultSqlFirewallTrigger |
Default trigger for a SQL database when a
SqlFirewallManager detects
an attack. |
DefaultUpdateListener |
Default implementation of
UpdateListener . |
DefaultUserAuthenticator |
A concrete and unsafe
UserAuthenticator that always grant access to
remote client users. |
DenyDatabaseWriteManager |
Firewall manager that denies any update of the database for the passed user.
DenyDclManager |
Firewall manager that denies any DCL (Data Control Language) call.
DenyDdlManager |
Firewall manager that denies any DDL (Data Definition Language) call.
DenyExceptOnWhitelistManager |
Firewall manager that only allows incoming SQL statements which are also
sequentially stored in a text file.
DenyMetadataQueryManager |
Firewall manager that denies the use of the AceQL Metadata Query API.
DenyOnBlacklistManager |
Firewall manager that denies incoming SQL statements which are also
sequentially stored in a text file.
DenySqlInjectionManager |
A firewall manager that allows detecting SQL injection attacks, using the
third-party Cloudmersive API:
Usage requires getting a Cloudmersive API key through a free or paying account creation at |
DenySqlInjectionManagerAsync |
A firewall manager that allows detecting SQL asynchronously injection
attacks, using the third-party
Cloudmersive API:
Usage requires getting a Cloudmersive API key through a free or paying account creation at |
DenyStatementClassManager |
Firewall manager that denies any call of the raw
class. |
JdbcLoggerSqlFirewallTrigger |
A trigger that will
INSERT the SqlEvent info and the
sqlFirewallManager class name into a aceql_denied_request SQL table. |
JdbcPasswordEncryptor |
Tooling class that allows to generate to hashed/encrypted passwords for
JdbcUserAuthenticator . |
JdbcUserAuthenticator |
A concrete
UserAuthenticator that allows zero-code remote client
(username, password) authentication using a JDBC query run against an
SQL table.The request that is executed is defined in the jdbcUserAuthenticator.authenticationQuery property in the file. |
JsonLoggerSqlFirewallTrigger |
A trigger that will log using JSON format the
SqlEvent info
and the sqlFirewallManager class name. |
JsonLoggerUpdateListener |
Concrete implementation of
UpdateListener . |
JwtSessionConfigurator |
Session management using self-contained JWT (JSON Web Token).
LdapUserAuthenticator |
A concrete
UserAuthenticator that allows zero-code remote client
(username, password) authentication against a LDAP server. |
NoFormatter |
A nothing to do formatter.
PropertiesEncryptor |
Command line interface for property values encryption.
PropertiesPasswordManager |
Interface that defines how to get the password used to encrypt the
Properties of the file. |
RequestHeadersAuthenticator |
Allows authenticating a client user using the request headers set and sent from
the client side.
ServerQueryExecutor |
Implementation of this interface allow client side to call a server side
programmed class that returns a
ResultSet . |
SessionConfigurator |
Interface that defines how to generate and verify session id for (username,
database) sessions.
SessionIdentifierGenerator |
Session id generator with 26 long strings.
SessionInfo |
Utility holder class for session info.
SimpleHttpClient |
Simple HttpClient to use for the AceQL AWS (Authentication Web Service)
SimpleSha1 |
Simple SHA-1 implementation.
SqlEvent |
Allows to get all details of a SQL event asked by the client side.
SqlFirewallManager |
Interface that allows to define firewall rules for AceQL HTTP SQL calls.
SqlFirewallTrigger |
Interface that allows to define a trigger if for the specified
SqlFirewallManager the allowSqlRunAfterAnalysis() method call
returns false . |
SshUserAuthenticator |
A concrete
UserAuthenticator that allows zero-code remote client
(username, password) authentication against a SSH server. |
StatementAnalyzer |
Class that allows the analysis of the string content of a SQL statement,
mainly for security reasons.
StatementNormalizer |
Allows to "normalize" the text of a SQL statement.
UpdateListener |
The listener interface for receiving SQL update events.
UserAuthenticator |
Interface that defines how to authenticate a remote client that wants to
create an AceQL session.
UsernameConverter |
Usernames must be converted by replacing Windows characters, because they are
used as directory names when uploading/downloading Blobs.
Version |
Allows to get version info.
VerySimpleFormatter |
A very simple formatter on one line Stolen on
WebServer |
AceQL Web Server start and stop with command line.
WebServerApi |
APIs to start and stop the embedded Web Server from a Java program.
WebServiceUserAuthenticator |
A concrete
UserAuthenticator that allows zero-code remote client
(username, password) authentication against a Web service. |
WindowsUserAuthenticator |
A concrete
UserAuthenticator that allows zero-code remote client
(username, password) authentication against the Windows machine on
which the AceQL instance is running. |