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allowExecute(String, String, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DefaultSqlFirewallManager
allowExecute(String, String, Connection) - Method in interface org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.SqlFirewallManager
Allows to define if the passed username is allowed to call a raw JDBC Statement.execute.
allowMetadataQuery(String, String, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DefaultSqlFirewallManager
allowMetadataQuery(String, String, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DenyMetadataQueryManager
allowMetadataQuery(String, String, Connection) - Method in interface org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.SqlFirewallManager
Says if the username is allowed call the Metadata Query API for the passed database.
allowSqlRunAfterAnalysis(SqlEvent, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.CsvRulesManager
Allows the execution of the statement if an allowing rules exists in the:  <database>_rules_manager.csv file.
allowSqlRunAfterAnalysis(SqlEvent, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DefaultSqlFirewallManager
allowSqlRunAfterAnalysis(SqlEvent, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DenyDatabaseWriteManager
allowSqlRunAfterAnalysis(SqlEvent, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DenyDclManager
allowSqlRunAfterAnalysis(SqlEvent, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DenyDdlManager
allowSqlRunAfterAnalysis(SqlEvent, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DenyExceptOnWhitelistManager
Allows the execution of the statement if it does *not* exist in the:  <database>_deny_except_whitelist.txt file.
allowSqlRunAfterAnalysis(SqlEvent, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DenyOnBlacklistManager
Allows the execution of the statement if it does *not* exist in the:  <database>_deny_blacklist.txt file.
allowSqlRunAfterAnalysis(SqlEvent, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DenySqlInjectionManager
Says if Cloudmersive SQL injection detector accepts the SQL statement.
allowSqlRunAfterAnalysis(SqlEvent, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DenySqlInjectionManagerAsync
Allows detecting in background / asynchronously if Cloudmersive SQL injection detector accepts the SQL statement.
allowSqlRunAfterAnalysis(SqlEvent, Connection) - Method in interface org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.SqlFirewallManager
Allows to analyze the SQL call event asked by the client side and thus allow or forbid the SQL execution on the server.
If the analysis defined by the method returns false, the SQL statement won't be executed.
allowStatementClass(String, String, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DefaultSqlFirewallManager
allowStatementClass(String, String, Connection) - Method in class org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.DenyStatementClassManager
allowStatementClass(String, String, Connection) - Method in interface org.kawanfw.sql.api.server.firewall.SqlFirewallManager
Allows to define if the passed username is allowed to create and use a Statement instance that is not a PreparedStatement.
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