AceQL HTTP C# Client SDK v7.8

AceQLTransaction Members

The AceQLTransaction type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CommitAsync
Commits the remote database transaction.

Note that this call will put the remote connection in auto commit mode on after Commit.

Public method Dispose()()()()
Optional call, does nothing. The opened AceQLTransaction must be closed by an CommitAsync()()()() or an RollbackAsync()()()()

Method is provided for consistency as a DbTransaction (as a SQL Server SqlTransaction) is [IDisposable].

Public method RollbackAsync
Rolls back a transaction from a pending state.

Note that this call will put the remote connection in auto commit mode on after Rollback.


  Name Description
Public property AceQLConnection
Gets the connection to remote database.
Public property IsolationLevel
Specifies the isolation level for this transaction.