AceQL HTTP C# Client SDK v7.8

RemoteDatabaseMetaData Members

The RemoteDatabaseMetaData type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method DbSchemaDownloadAsync()()()()
Downloads into a stream the schema of the remote database using HTML format.
Public method DbSchemaDownloadAsync(String)
Downloads into a stream the schema of the remote database, using the specified format.
Public method DbSchemaDownloadAsync(String, String)
Downloads into a stream the schema of the remote database.
Public method GetJdbcDatabaseMetaDataAsync
Gets the JDBC meta data of the remote database.
Public method GetTableAsync
Returns a table object with all it's elements from the remote database.
Public method GetTableNamesAsync()()()()
Returns the table names of the remote database.
Public method GetTableNamesAsync(String)
Returns the table names of the remote database.